1. One-Step Reconstruction With a Novel Suspended, Modular, and 3D-Printed Total Sacral Implant Resection of Sacral Giant Cell Tumor With Preservation of Bilateral S1-3 Nerve Roots via a Posterior-Only Approach. Orthop Surg. 2020 12(1):58-66.
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3. Transnasal Endoscopic and Transoral Approaches in the Biopsies of Ventral Atlas and Axis Vertebrae: A Comprehensive Retrospective Study for Preprocedural Scheme, Biopsy Procedure, Core Technique Analysis, Diagnostic Yield and Clinical Outcome. Orthop Surg. 2022,14(8): 1593–1606. (2区)
4. Application of allograft and absorbable screws in the reconstruction of a massive bone defect following resection of giant osteochondroma: A retrospective study.Front. Surg.,2022.Sep 22;9:938750.(3区)
5. Reconstruction of massive bone defects after femoral tumor resection using two new-designed 3D-printed intercalary prostheses: a clinical analytic study with the cooperative utilization of multiple technologies.BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2023, Jan 25;24(1):67.(3区)
6. Therapeutic management and amputation options in a long time delayed blunt popliteal artery injury.European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2023Feb 27. (3区)
7. A noval 3D-printed patient-specific sacral implant for spinopelvic reconstruction in sacral giant cell tumor. International Orthopaedics, 2023Jun;47(6):1619-1628. (2区)
8. Primary Cooperative Application of a LARS® Tube and 3D-Printed Prosthesis for Reconstruction of the Distal Radius after en bloc Resection of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone: A Comparative Retrospective Study.Orthopaedic Surgery.2023,15(6):1521-1533.(3区)
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10. a novel three dimensional-printed biomechanically evaluated patient-specific sacral implant in spinopelvic reconstruction after toal en bloc sacretomy.frontiers in bioengineering and biotechonlogy,2023.May 5;11:1153801. 2区)
11. Clinical outcomes of different muscle flap reconstructions after inguinal tumor resection: a case series. Injury, 2023,Jul 26;110960.(3区).
12. Robot-assisted Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation for the Treatment of Osteoid Osteomas..Orthopaedic Surgery.Mar 2024
13. 3D‐printed Multifunctional Guide Plate for Fenestration and Screws Drill in Proximal Femoral Benign Tumor.Orthopaedic Surgery.May 2024