1. Chao Zhang,Galunisertib inhibits glioma vasculogenic mimicry formation induced by astrocytes"Scientific Reports
2.Chao Zhang,“The application of Nasoseptal ‘Rescue’ Flap technique in the endoscopic transsphnoidpituitary adenoma resection”Neurosurgical Review
3.Chao Zhang,“Prognostic and Clinic PathologicalValue of Cx43 Expression in Glioma:A Meta-Analysis”Frontiers inOncology
4.Chao Zhang,“Impact of Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation on Hyposmia in Patients With Parkinson's Disease Is Influenced by Constipation and Dysbiosis of Microbiota.”FrontinNeurology.
5.Chao Zhang,“Ophthalmologic problemscorrelates with cognitiveimpairment in patients withParkinson’s disease”Front Neuroscience.
6.Chao Zhang,“Visual Dysfunction is a Risk Factor of Postoperation Delirium in Parkinson Disease” World Neurosurgery
7. Chao Zhang,“Acute Visual Impairment in a Patient with Parkinson's Disease after Successful Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation with Low-Dose Levodopa: A Case Report”Brain Science
8. Chao Zhang,“Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus increases the risk of sialorrhea in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease”Parkinsonism RelatedDisorder
9. Chao Zhang,“The reduction of LEDD leads to visual dysfunction in patients with PD after STN-DBS: A Randomized Clinical Trial”International Journal of Surgery
10. Chao Zhang,“Impact of Anti-VZV IgG Levels on Parkinson's Disease Risk and Progression: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis”Scientific Reports