(1)Lv, G., Zhao, D., Li, G., Qi, M., Dong, X., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). When experiencing a surgery: Gastrointestinal cancer patients' longitudinal trajectories in psychological stress and their association with quality of recovery.Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2022,9(6), 100064.
(2)Lv, G., Zhao, X., Xu, X., Hou, F., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Gender-Baseddifferences in the relationships among social support, positive psychological capital, and sleep quality in patients implanted with pacemakers: A moderated mediation model.The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2022,37(1),79–85.
(3)Li, G., Zhao, D., Wang, Q., Zhou, M., Kong, L., Fang, M., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Infertility-related stress and quality of life among infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome: Does body mass index matter?Journal of Psychosomatic Research,2022,158,110908.
(4)Zhao, D., Lv, G., Qi, M., Xie, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhou, M., Wang, Q., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). The structure of menopausal syndrome: Using network analysis to understand unique symptomatic relationships.International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2022.(线上发表)
(5)Wang, Q., Zhou, M., Zhao, D., Lv, G., Zhang, Y., Xie, Z., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Effects of resilience-promoting interventions on cancer patients’ positive adaptation and quality of life: A meta-analysis.Cancer Nursing, 2022.(线上发表)
(6)Lv, G., Zhao, D., Li, G., Wang, Q., Zhou, M., Gao, Y., Zhao, X., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Coping style, insomnia, and psychological distress among persons with gastrointestinal cancer.Nursing Research, 2022.(线上发表)
(7)Zhao, D., Lv, G., Zhang, Y., Xie, Z., Wang, Q., Zhou, M., Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Identifying the different subtypes in menopausal symptoms among middle-aged women in China: A latent class analysis. Menopause, 2021,28(12):1418-1427.
(8)Li, Y., Zhao, D., Lv, G., Mao, C., Zhang, Y., Xie, Z., Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Individual and additive-effect relationships of sleep problems and severe menopausal symptoms among women in menopausal transition. Menopause, 2021,28(5):517-528.
(9)Fang, M., Li, G., Kang, X., Hou, F., Lv, G., Xu, X., Kong, L., Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). The role of gender and self-esteem as moderators of the relationship between stigma and psychological distress among infertile couples.Psychology Health & Medicine, 2020,26(10):1181-1194.
(10)Li, Y., Li, X., Mao, C., Lv, G., Xie, Z., Jiang, H., Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Symptom clusters in head and neck cancer patients with endotracheal tube: Which symptom clusters are independently associated with health-related quality of life? European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2020,48, 101819.
(11)Zhao, D., Wang, H., Feng, X., Lv, G., Li P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Relationship between neuroticism and sleep quality among asthma patients: the mediation effect of mindfulness. Sleep and Breathing, 2019, 23(3): 925-931.
(12)Chen, X., Fang, Y., Liu, X., Zhao, D., Feng, X., Li P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Gender differences in latent classes of sleep quality in community-dwelling adults based on the Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Psychology Health & Medicine, 2019, 24(8): 901-910.
(13)Zhao, D., Liu, C., Feng, X., Hou, F., Xu, X., Li,P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Menopausal symptoms in different substages of perimenopause and their relationships with social support and resilience. Menopause, 2019, 26(3): 233-239.
(14)Fang, Y., Kang, X., Feng, X., Zhao, D., Song, D., Li,P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Conditional effects of mindfulness on sleep quality among clinical nurses: the moderating roles of extraversion and neuroticism. Psychology Health & Medicine, 2019, 24(4): 481-492.
(15)Kong,L., Fang,M., Ma,T., Li,G., Yang,F., Meng,Q., Li,Y., Li,P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Positive affect mediates the relationships between resilience, social support and posttraumatic growth of women with infertility. Psychology Health & Medicine,2018, 23(6):707-716.
(16)Kang,X., Fang,Y., Li,S., Liu,Y., Zhao,D., Feng,X., Wang,Y., Li,P*(厉萍,通讯作者).Thebenefits ofindirectexposure totrauma: Therelationships amongvicariousposttraumaticgrowth,socialsupport, andresilience inambulancepersonnel inchina. Psychiatry Investigation,2018, 15(5): 452–459.
(17)Zou,G., Li,Y., Xu,R., Li,P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Resilience and positive affect contribute to lower cancer-related fatigue among Chinese patients with gastric cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing,2018, 27(7-8): e1412-e1418.
(18)Dong,X., Li,G., Liu,C., Kong,L., Fang,Y., Kang,X., Li,P*(厉萍,通讯作者). The mediating role of resilience in the relationship between social support and posttraumatic growth among colorectal cancer survivors with permanent intestinal ostomies: A structural equation model analysis. European Journal of Oncology Nursing,2017,29:47-52.
(19)Kong, L., Liu, Y., Li, G., Fang, Y., Kang, X., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Resilience moderates the relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical communication ability among Chinese practice nursing students: A structural equation model analysis. NurseEducationToday,2016,46:64-68.
(20)Liu,X., Liu,C., Tian,X., Zou,G., Li,G., Kong,L.,& Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Associations ofperceivedstress,resilience andsocialsupport withsleepdisturbanceamongcommunity-dwellingadults. Stress andHealth,2016, 32(5):578-586.
(21)Li,G., Kong,L., Zhou,H., Kang,X., Fang,Y.,& Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Relationship between prenatal maternal stress and sleep quality in Chinese pregnant women: the mediation effect of resilience, Sleep Medicine, 2016,25: 8-12.
(22)Kong, L., Chen, X., Shen, S., Li, G., Gao, Q., Zhu, N., Lou, F., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Professional commitment and attributional style of medical-college nursing students in China: A cross-sectional study. NurseEducationToday, 2016, 40:154-160.
(23)Zou,G., Shen,X., Tian,X., Liu,C., Li,G., Kong,L.,& Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Correlates of psychological distress, burnout, and resilience among chinese female nurses. Industrial Health, 2016,54(5):389-395.
(24)Tian, X., Gao, Q., Li, G., Zou, G., Liu, C., Kong, L., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Resilience is associated with low psychological distress in renal transplant recipients. GeneralHospitalPsychiatry, 2016, 39:86-90.
(25)Chen X, Mao Y, Kong L, Li G, Xin M, Lou F & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Resilience moderates the association between stigma and psychological distress among family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Personality and Individual Differences, 2016, 96:78-82.
(26)Tian, X., Liu, C., Zou, G., Li, G., Kong, L., & Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Positive resources for combating job burnout among Chinese telephone operators: Resilience and psychological empowerment. PsychiatryResearch, 2015, 228(3):411-415.
(27)Liu,C.,Zhao,Y.,Tian,X.,Zou,G.,Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Negative life events and school adjustment among Chinese nursing students: The mediating role of psychological capital. Nurse Education Today, 2015, 35(6):754-759.
(28)Ping Li*(厉萍),Tiantian Liu,Jiajia Liu,Qing Zhang,Fenglan Lou,Feng Kong, Guanghui Cheng,Magnus Björkholm,Chengyun Zheng,Dawei Xu*. Promoter Polymorphism in the Serotonin Transporter (5-HTT)Gene Is Significantly Associated with Leukocyte Telomere Length in Han Chinese. PlosOne,2014,9(4),94442.
(29)Ping Li(厉萍), Mi Hou, Fenglan Lou, Magnus Björkholm, Dawei Xu. Telomere dysfunction induced by chemotherapeutic agents and radiation in normal human cells. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2012,44(9):1531-1540.
(30)Ping Li(厉萍), Chuan Tian, Nan Ge, Hongwei Wang, Li Liu, Fenglan Lou, Magnus Bjokholm, Dawei Xu. Premature senescence of T cells in long-term survivors of renal transplantation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2011, 407(3): 599-604.
(1)周淼, 钟瑞, 王清, 厉萍*(通讯作者).精神分裂症患者社交焦虑与正念和自尊的关系. 中国心理卫生杂志,2022,36(9):734-738.
(2)解子惠, 张云雪, 王清, 周淼, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 基于列线图构建护理专业学生非自杀性自伤风险预测模型.中国心理卫生杂志,2022,36(7), 615-620.
(3)张云雪, 解子惠, 李媛媛, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 家庭回避癌症沟通量表汉化及信效度评价.护理学杂志, 2022,37(7),9-12.
(4)毛毳,李媛媛,张云雪, 解子惠, 厉萍*(通讯作者).护理专业大学生述情障碍与认知情绪调节策略的关系:网络分析模型. 中国临床心理学杂志,2021,29(4):753-757.
(7)毛毳,李媛媛,厉萍*(通讯作者). 高中生父母教养方式与非自杀性自伤的关系:性别的调节作用. 山东大学学报(医学版),2020,58(01):100-105.
(8)赵迪,冯秀娟,侯芳艳,吕高荣,徐晓芳,厉萍*(通讯作者). 山东农村中年女性绝经综合征与生殖衰老分期、人格和正念的关系. 山东大学学报(医学版),2019,57(12):92-96.
(9)侯芳艳,徐晓芳,吕高荣,厉萍*(通讯作者). 血液透析患者社会支持与生活质量的关系:心理弹性的中介作用. 齐鲁护理杂志,2019,25(11):1-4.
(10)刘春琴,刘晓华,厉萍*(通讯作者). 围绝经期女性心理困扰与心理弹性、社会支持的关系. 赣南医学院学报,2019,39(01):62-68.
(11)徐晓芳,薛明玥,吕高荣,侯芳艳,厉萍*(通讯作者). 心理资本在不孕不育夫妇中男性正念与心理困扰间的中介作用. 山东大学学报(医学版),2019,57(02):105-109.
(12)赵迪,王娟,冯秀娟,方跃艳,康晓菲,厉萍*(通讯作者). 医学生正负性情绪在人格特质与共情间的中介作用. 中国高等医学教育,2019(01):9-10.
(13)吕高荣,赵小静,侯芳艳,徐晓芳,厉萍*(通讯作者). 永久性起搏器植入患者神经质人格与睡眠质量的关系:积极心理资本的中介作用. 中国实用护理杂志,2019(02):92-96.
(14)方跃艳,康晓菲,冯秀娟,赵迪,厉萍*(通讯作者). 临床护士的正念潜在类别及其在情绪状态、心理弹性上的差异. 中国心理卫生杂志,2018,32(07):601-606.
(15)方跃艳, 康晓菲, 王娟, 赵迪, 冯秀娟, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 医学生正念与平静心境的关系:感知压力的中介和调节效应. 中国健康心理学杂志,2018,26(2): 288-292.
(16)冯秀娟, 赵迪, 康晓菲, 方跃艳, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 肿瘤科护士人格特征和正念与心理困扰的关系. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2017, 31(12): 983-987.
(17)康晓菲, 方跃艳, 赵迪, 冯秀娟, 厉萍*(通讯作者)不孕女性患者知觉压力在正念水平与心理困扰间的中介作用. 山东大学学报: 医学版, 2017, 55(9): 105-109.
(18)孔令华, 申世玉, 李国鹏, 陈晓云, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 高职护生的专业承诺、心理弹性与归因风格的相关性研究. 解放军护理杂志,2016,33(8): 31-34.
(19)田晓红, 孙瑶瑶, 邹桂元, 刘春琴, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 话务员心理困扰的有序 logistic 回归分析. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2015, 29(10): 790-794.
(20)李华芳, 刘春琴, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 积极情绪在精神科护士心理弹性与职业倦怠关系中的中介作用. 中华护理杂志, 2015, 50(9): 1083-1086.
(21)刘晓华, 刘春琴, 田晓红, 邹桂元, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 心理弹性在居民压力知觉与睡眠质量中介及调节作用. 中国公共卫生, 2015, 31(6): 793-796.
(22)刘春琴, 李华芳, 田晓红, 邹桂元, 厉萍*(通讯作者). 精神科护士人格特征与心理困扰的关系: 心理弹性的中介作用. 山东大学学报: 医学版, 2015, 53(9): 90-94.
(23)邹桂元,申秀英,田晓红,刘春琴,厉萍*(通讯作者).心理弹性在临床护士职业倦怠与积极应对中的中介作用. 护士进修杂志,2014,29(20):1830-1833.
(24)陈为迎,万小娟,刘茜,吕红,厉萍*(通讯作者). 济南市住院学龄儿童家长对在院学习辅导需求的调查. 护理学杂志,2011,26(3):34-36.